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The Power of ‘Why’: Your Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Obstacles on the Corporate Ladder


Your Why Isn’t Just Motivational Jargon!

Are you a woman climbing the corporate ladder and facing obstacles that seem insurmountable? This guide is for you. Understanding your ‘Why’ isn’t just motivational jargon—it’s a proven strategy to navigate roadblocks.

Did You Know?

According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, individuals with a well-defined sense of purpose are 64% more likely to overcome challenges in their professional lives.

The Importance of Knowing Your ‘Why’

Personal Story: I once stood at the crossroads of my own career, stuck in an unfulfilling and toxic workplace, feeling trapped. It wasn’t until I focused on my ‘Why’ that I managed to break free and climb the ladder to greater heights.

Action Tip

Don’t just ponder about your purpose; write it down. Articulating your ‘Why’ can serve as a powerful reminder during challenging times.

Strategies for Self-Discovery

Real-Life Example:

When I questioned, “What truly matters to me?” I could refocus and find a renewed sense of direction.

Action Tip

Create a list of probing questions that dig into your passions, strengths, and dreams. Allocate 15 minutes each morning for a week to journal your answers.

Turn Imagination into Reality

Vision Boards

A vision board isn’t just a craft project; it’s a tool for manifestation.

Action Tip

Collect images, quotes, and reminders of your ‘Why.’ Create a digital or physical vision board and place it where you’ll see it daily.

Tackling Obstacles Head-On

As discussed in my last blog post about Overcoming Obstacles to Pivot to Your Goals, hurdles are part and parcel of any journey, especially if you aspire to climb the corporate ladder.

Redefine Your Strategy

When your current game plan isn’t cutting it, don’t just throw in the towel; redefine your strategy.

Action Tip

Reassess your roadmap. If necessary, consult a mentor or career coach to help you devise a more effective strategy.

Final Thoughts

Your ‘Why’ Is Your North Star.

In your climb up the corporate ladder, there will be stumbling blocks, but it’s your ‘Why’ that will keep you grounded and guide you through. Always have actionable steps at hand to overcome obstacles and remember—your ‘Why’ is your ultimate game-changer.

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About Lenora

Lenora Lassiter is a Professional Speaker, Author, Certified Life Coach, Certified Professional Resume Writer, and Licensed Minister. She believes in bringing everything she has to the proverbial table to shape and equip those navigating through life’s many transitions to pivot to their purpose.

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