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Don’t Give Up! 4 Ways to Improve Perseverance So That You Can Pivot


It’s very easy to give up when things don’t go your way or come out as planned. We’ve all been in situations where we have failed at something and discouraged us and made it difficult to persevere. This journey in life is full of challenges, disappointment, and a few failures. Nevertheless, it’s important that you keep trying. Every day you try is another chance for success and another opportunity to pivot. 

Once you accept that you’re destined for success, giving up is no longer an option, and pivoting is still in your view!

Don’t throw in the towel, seize success by following the four strategies below to acquire the drive to persevere and achieve your goals:

  1. Analyze why you didn’t succeed

This is perhaps the most crucial step in ensuring you don’t give up easily. Sometimes it’s difficult to deal with failure, so much so that we just feel the urge to curl up and cry. Failure is one of life’s greatest teachers.  By analyzing what prevented you from winning, you might be surprised at how simple the fix can be.

  • Did you forget a crucial step in the process?
  • Were you distracted by external forces and lost your focus?
  • Did you prepare yourself enough for the challenge?
  • Is it something you truly wanted to pursue, to begin with?

  1. Give yourself grace and reward yourself.

Even though you might not have achieved the success you were expecting, that doesn’t mean you didn’t give your 100% effort to the task. And your efforts should never go unrewarded! Reward yourself for what did go right and treat yourself to a “pick-me-up” when you’ve fallen down:

  • Treat yourself to your favorite dessert.
  • Go shopping and buy a new outfit and a pair of shoes. 
  • Show yourself some love by getting a massage.
  • Get your car detailed. A spotless car can look brand new and might actually help you to feel brand new!

  1. Do activities that you do well.

Often, not succeeding may cause you to shy away from ever trying something again, but don’t allow that to prevent you from moving forward and pivoting. Build your inner strength and confidence by performing activities that you know you’re good at.

  • Get out and walk. Challenge yourself to do 2 miles.
  • Challenge an opponent to a game of chess, checkers, or tennis.
  • Work at balancing those income and expenditure reports.
  • Do anything you know you’re good at to help build (or rebuild) your confidence.

  1. Set smaller, attainable goals.

Just because you didn’t score the last time doesn’t mean you can’t score at all. Why not break up that big goal into smaller, more attainable ones? Perhaps you were overwhelmed by the task and somehow lost focus. You’ll be more likely to achieve the big goal by breaking it up into smaller goals.

No one ever said that perseverance was easy; it can be extremely difficult to look past the mistakes, failures, and underachievements and try again. However, being able to persevere and push through until you win shows true strength and resolve. 

So don’t give up too easily. You can’t win them all, but you know that you definitely have what it takes to succeed.

Once you build your confidence, drive, and willpower, you’ll see how easily you can develop the ability to persevere until you achieve what you set out to achieve. Nothing is impossible once you believe in yourself and allow that belief to drive you forward!

About Lenora

Lenora Lassiter is a Professional Speaker, Author, Certified Life Coach, Certified Professional Resume Writer, and Licensed Minister. She believes in bringing everything she has to the proverbial table to shape and equip those navigating through life’s many transitions to pivot to their purpose.

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