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7 Steps to Managing Stress as a Career Woman


As a woman in today’s workforce, the job search process can be incredibly stressful. 

From networking to interviewing, there are a lot of obstacles to overcome and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed.

However, with the right mindset and the below strategies, you can manage your stress and increase your chances of finding the perfect job.

  1. One of the most important things you can do to manage stress during the job search is to set realistic expectations for yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that you should have a job lined up as soon as you start looking, but the reality is that finding the right job takes time.

It’s important to remember that it’s normal to go through a few rejections before landing the perfect opportunity.

  1. Another key to managing stress during the job search process is to take care of yourself.

This means making sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and getting regular exercise.

  1. It’s also important to find time for hobbies and activities that you enjoy, as this can help to reduce stress and provide a sense of balance in your life.

  1. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to have a support system in place.

This means reaching out to friends, family, and professional contacts who can offer guidance and support. They can help you to stay motivated, provide feedback on your resume, or connect you with potential employers.

  1. Joining a career support group can be a great way to connect with other women who are also navigating the job search process and can offer a sense of community and understanding.

  1. Another way to manage stress during the job search process is to focus on the things that you can control. This means being proactive in your search, rather than waiting for job opportunities to come to you. This can include networking, attending industry events, and reaching out to potential employers directly.

With the use of technology and social media, it’s easier than ever to connect with potential employers and recruiters. Utilizing platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Glassdoor can be a great way to expand your professional network and learn about job opportunities.

  1. Finally, it’s important to remember that it’s okay to ask for help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to reach out to a therapist or counselor who can provide support and guidance.

They can help you to develop coping mechanisms and provide strategies for managing stress.

The job search process can be incredibly stressful for women. However, by setting realistic expectations, taking care of yourself, building a support system, focusing on what you can control, and asking for help when needed, you can manage your stress and increase your chances of finding the right job for you.

Remember to believe in yourself and your abilities, and stay motivated during the process. If you need someone to help hold you accountable and coach you let’s connect so that you can pivot. 

About Lenora

Lenora Lassiter is a Professional Speaker, Author, Certified Life Coach, Certified Professional Resume Writer, and Licensed Minister. She believes in bringing everything she has to the proverbial table to shape and equip those navigating through life’s many transitions to pivot to their purpose.

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